Reggio Emilia Approach


Why True North Kindergarten

A pioneer in Reggio Emilia Approach ®
A pioneer in Reggio Emilia Approach ®

True North Kindergarten seeks to offer an enabling atmosphere in which we may discover our children's various languages. The phrase "image of the child" is used at Reggio Emilia®. It is what we perceive in children and is central to our work. All children are capable, competent, and creative.

Open space with state-of-the-art facilities
Open space with state-of-the-art facilities

With up to 60% of outdoor space, which is rare for a kindergarten in the concrete jungle of Hanoi, True North Kindergarten is proud to provide students with a well-rounded environment where they can experience a wide range of subjects as well as a variety of conveniences created especially for their development.

Personalized learning
Personalized learning

Our class setting is brimming with learning possibilities that are not limited to instructors. It is a two-way street in which teachers and students exchange information as they go along a child's learning path. We learn more by reading, sharing, and thinking with the children. Each teacher at True North Kindergarten is trained to take each child into careful consideration. We are equipped with appropriate tools to help children with self-development.

Project-based learning
Project-based learning

Every day at True North Kindergarten, at least one project related to each topic is undertaken. Responding to children's interests promotes genuine involvement and discovery. Project work encourages in-depth studies in which the children and teacher(s) live and learn together. Listening effectively, leading with questions, and exploring—using experience, resources, hands-on learning, and connecting curriculum areas—all generate chances for deep learning throughout the day.

What Can Our Student Do