

The 1st


Educator’s community
Educator’s community

Teachers, parents and students all play an equally important role at True North Kindergarten. While our instructors are the enablers of knowledge, providing the power of education in every aspect of learning, parents are the driving force behind the vehicle of learning, offering guidance. Students are the heart of True North Kindergarten, the reason for all we do, and the ultimate source of inspiration for everything that transpires.


We believe that no dream is ever too small to be stifled by conventional methods, and that each student should be given the opportunity to experience a personalized experience. True North Kindergarten employs a one-on-one mentoring program in which each student is paired with a mentor who will accompany and work closely with them to reach their goals.

Reggio Emilia Approach
Reggio Emilia Approach

True North Kindergarten, which aspires to be an ideas bank of important projects, brings the future to students' classrooms through the application of STEAM, Entrepreneurship, and Metaverse - a world of information at students' fingertips.

The 1st


4 pillars of
Discover Your True North

"A picture is worth a thousand words" - What better way to portray True North Kindergarten's student life than by displaying genuinely unforgettable moments? Look through our gallery and get to know our tales better with these images.

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Discover Your True North Today

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Vì sao lại có “Art” trong STEAM?

Ngày nay, càng nhiều trường học đang định hướng kết hợp áp dụng phương pháp STEAM trong chương trình giảng dạy. Với sự cải tiến thêm yếu tố A (Art - Nghệ thuật), các chuyên gia tin rằng giáo dục thông qua nghệ thuật làm cho việc học tập trở nên hấp dẫn và gắn kết hơn đối với trẻ. Nhằm giúp phụ huynh và học sinh hiểu thêm về STEAM, True North School mong muốn chia sẻ thông qua bài viết dưới đây.
